- Don't paralized someones face ( but if I do take pictures of them making various faces while the paralized side stays still)
- Don't tear an artery and cause someones face to swell and bruise..for 2 weeks ( but once again if I do take pictures of a pretend epic fight scene since they will look like the crap got beat out of one side of the face)
- Dont cause trismus ( pain in the muscle from too many injections in one place)
- Dont inject into an artery causing immediate overdose and anesthetic toxicity... especially not if it leads to cardiac arrest, that'd be emberassing and I think would probably lead to me failing
- Dont stick myself with the needle while trying to re-cap ( who knows what kind of diseases these people are carrying..Hep C! the Herp! COMMON COLD!!!)
- Don't trip while carrying needle to contaminated sharps container, because that would most likely lead to me stabbing myself with a 25 gauge needle ( probably in the arm or chest and I'd hate to break a contaminated needle in my and have some dramatic problem like part of it is being carried in my blood and on its way to my heart...no time for that people this thing ends saturday)
or end up looking like I got beat up...because the sweatheart ball is coming up quick and I'd like for all the boys to swoon